Execution deadline in working days
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A parent may transfer a child to the care of another person in Latvia or a foreign state for a period longer than three months. A guardian and a foster family may transfer a child to the care of another person in Latvia or a foreign state for a period of one month to three months.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The person (s) who wishes to transfer the child to the care of another person (one parent or both parents, in accordance with the (birth certificate) and the submission of the person who wishes to take the child into his or her care. When submitting documents in person, the persons shall present the original of the identity document.
    The Orphan's Court shall determine which documents shall be submitted in addition, for example:
    • a document certifying the provision of accommodation;
    • a statement issued by a family doctor regarding the current state of health of a person, as well as an opinion of a psychiatrist on the state of mental health of the person and an opinion of the narcotic and psychotropic person or other addictive substances;
    • a psychologist's opinion.

  2. Receipt of services
    When assessing all the documents in the case, after hearing the parties, the employees of the Orphan's Court shall take a relevant decision.
    The decision may be received in person or by post as restricted access information.

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